
So AVClub is still not telling me where I can watch these shows or catch episodes on demand? Okay, just checking.

I recently took another look at the two-dimensional political matrix, and it occurred to me that the politically correct, trigger warning, "victim" culture faction is the authoritarian left as opposed to the libertarian left. Basically it is the authoritarian left that is doing a huge disservice to the progressive

So Sausage Party just came out - when are we getting the Clone High movie?!

"Why don't you put together a group of good guys who are powerful and also not dangerous criminals?"

Was anyone else waiting for the Tesla to start driving itself when BoJack let go of the wheel?

I think advertising is the primary cause of political polarization in the country.

I think the last episode of SNL I watched was Kristen Wiig's last as a cast member.

Weren't Stayin Alive and Eye of the Tiger written for their respective movies? And I think using a classical orchestral song as a theme will necessarily create an association, so it should be more inadvertent.

It's literally the first thing they ask in jury selection: "Do any potential jurors know the attorneys or parties?"

After watching the first two seasons and getting the sense it was heading in a bleak direction, I was unsure about going through season 3. This episode was so ridiculous and refreshing that I'll stick with it.

I knew I recognized the voice of Todd's girlfriend Emily and I could not find the credit anywhere! Now that I know it's Abbi I almost want to re-watch some of her scenes.

I used 'garbage' to illustrate subjectivity, 'references' to illustrate popularity. Try to keep up.

I didn't say pop culture references were related to quality, nor did I say Anchorman should be removed. Whether or not someone likes Napoleon Dynamite, it was a significant movie and many people's favorite comedy, at least within that timespan.

I concede that Napoleon Dynamite is a love it or hate it movie, and you're certainly not alone there, but you can't deny that it was a very unique, offbeat comedic style that was referenced for several years afterward. In comparison, if I wanted to find an example of Will Farrell overacting with blunt dialogue, I

Just for clarification, the garbage I was referring to is Young Adult and Anchorman. Others were simply overrated.

Comedy is obviously very subjective, evidenced by some of the garbage on this list, but objectively one glaring omission: Napoleon Dynamite. How many years did those references dominate pop culture? Or maybe no one remembers the mid 2000's.

I think I laughed twice, once at Cam and the bird, "it's there if you need it," and the other I forget. There were so many subplots going on, all of them dull, but the one that annoyed me the most was the sauce one. I wanted to scream that you can't patent a recipe! It's worse than lazy, it's hacky and serves as an

Anchorman is garbage. So is The Hangover. But Zoolander is so over the top that it works.

But why was FDR a jerk?!