Jack Frink

I think Laura's possession by the Experiment is a recent event. I still don't buy her as the girl from Episode 8.

I like how incompetent the attempted cover-up of Richard's crimes were. We didn't even see the cops figure it out, it was just taken as evident that they pushed through the attempted deflection with ease.

When Mystery Man approaches and the music drains out is a great moment.

Seems like a forced fit.

Two-Face isn't "gleeful." That's a major part of his appeal.

Only scene in that movie with a sense of stakes.

QT's quote: "Sometimes you think Jackie Brown is my best film. And then you see Pulp Fiction."

I don't think the two ideas are contradictory.

Ass in her cock.

Great example of the "oblivious hero" comedy trope.

Django has a different metaphor on top of it, and it's not really a "revenge" movie. I don't see anything in King Schultz that reminds me of Landa, other than intelligence and the accent.

The sequence at the 1980 new year's party (Philip Baker Hall entering to "Driver's Seat," Philip Seymour Hoffman and his new car, William H. Macy's shocking exit) is my favorite scene.

I almost downvoted him for U-Turn. That movie is garbage, and I like Oliver Stone a lot more than many people here do. That is his worst film, and right up there with Batman & Robin as one of the bottom releases of 1997.

I actually think Clerks 2 is his best.

Yeah I like Chasing Amy. I wouldn't put it on top 10 of 1997, but it'd be worth a mention.

Cromwell is one of the great villains in LA Confidential.

Lost World is on the "worst of '97" list with Batman & Robin and Mortal Kombat: Annihilation.

I hate using the term, but The Hangover was absolutely overrated.

Fear and Loathing is '98.

…or misspell the title.