Jack Frink

Pretty much can guarantee he did. He's known for handling his sets with care for actors' comfort and dignity.

First I've ever heard that someone didn't find BOB scary. I thought Silva's arch acting style worked for the character.

Have I missed someone trotting out "no incest" for the last time?

That website's team is as bad at their job as All-American Girl was as a sitcom.

That website's team is as bad at their job as All-American Girl was as a sitcom.

I don't think that is true either.

So people who like Billy Joel have bad taste in music? Are we still saying this?

Sadly that seems the common approach these days. And sometimes those waits are not rewarded.

If you thought the reflection dissonance - which Ed clearly sees - was a "run-of-the-mill continuity error," you might be even further out of your depth than previously suggested.

Why must people insist on being wrong? "Otis Redding song is bad. Isn't it great how wrong I am?" No, it's not. There is nothing great about you being wrong.

It is interesting that Maddie's parents are never shown (are they?), not even after her death.

It's really not a random accident.

An even less plausible interpretation than "it was a mistake."

Yea that bit of "logic" was pretty funny.

If you don't see a body, you can't be sure. That's the rule I follow.

I thought it was connected to people and things turning into gold balls once their use is at an end (think original Dougie in the Red Room).

I thought it was ghastly and effective.

I think people are projecting unease on a sequence that didn't really have it.

The impossible dream is that Criterion gets it.

I'm not convinced he killed himself. We didn't see a body.