Jack Frink

Nothing Mr. C has tried has gone completely to plan.

Not convinced Becky is dead. Implication was pretty heavy, but still so vague it left some mystery. Also, I'm not sure Steven actually shot himself. Unless we see them dead onscreen I am not jumping on that train yet.

Entities apparently transform/"evolve" in the different dimension. Same thing with the Arm.

The "Apartment 23" comparison is what I was thinking about, too.

My thoughts exactly.

"Yea, I even lost my cat."

Slave is also a great one that no one ever mentions.

I doubt I'm the only person to give this answer, but Twin Peaks (especially The Return).

I disagree with that assessment.

It might be my favorite of theirs. Kinda has a Trompe le Monde feel with that metallic, roaring guitar treatment.

I like the Maladroit and "Everything…" album covers.

Che is so so good. Takes a major time investment though.

Yep. One of his best.

Great movie.

Yeah I thought it was pretty darn good. Not at the level of Traffic, but well worth the watch.

I agree. I understand why people don't like it, but it was a cool, cynical thriller to my eyes. Also a revelatory Tobey MaGuire turn - he's a nasty dude in that one.

I also thought that movie was a lot better than the drubbing it received. I like David Hyde Pierce's character calling the vet because his dog ate pot brownies. And he almost starts to cry when he says, "I just want to make sure he isn't going to die." Great moment.

Yeah that's a definite contender. I'd put it near the top.

I agree with you on Side Effects and the rest…well you did say tl;dr.

He's also good on Criterion's edition of The Third Man (I believe).