Jack Frink

I was relieved he only shot Ray in the head. I was expecting some excruciating torture experience.

One of the the worst things Spielberg ever directed!

His "I'm not really asking, Anthony," was so well-delivered.

Oh, I think the Woodsmen are already in the Palmer house.

She seemed much more coherent this week.

This write-up should have talked a bit more about him; he was as good as he's ever been in the confession scene.

I think the stray observation about Sarah misses something. She's not watching the same clip over and over, she's stuck in some kind of temporal loop. Time is getting weird in Twin Peaks, and this was the most aggressive suggestion of the phenomena so far.

Good point.

That's probably Bruce's ego as much as any sense of morality. Only HE could be pure enough to use it and destroy it once The Joker was apprehended. Only BATMAN is good enough to not be corrupted by the power of this machine. We see a similar thought process come into play with the fusion reactor in "Rises."

Also, let's not forget the complaints about the extended runtimes of Nolan's last few films. Dunkirk's lean, mean 100-minutes would've been blown way past the 2 hour mark with those stories included, and we'd have complaining 1.) Indian regiments got short shrift, 2.) movie is too long again, Nolan.

I guess the trilogy is "nothing," then. Because all those readings have always been very forced and unconvincing.

Nolan definitely made sure you noticed those French soldiers.

While the Ewoks are cute, Jedi has its share of horrible monsters - Jabba, the Rancor, the Sarlacc and the most terrible figure in the SW universe, the Emperor.

I think he's been very good this season. I thought he was good on the earlier version of the series, too.

Jedi is still my favorite Star Wars. It is also significantly better than Temple of Doom.

Vogel gets the majority of the gnashing-teeth villainy in Last Crusade.

Some of those actors at the dinner table are in brown face, of course, which is a major problem.

I want a compilation of all the best Spielberg sequences. It would be hours long but so good. T-Rex attack, Anderton and Agatha in the mall, the House voting on the 13th Amendment.

Yea Goonies and The Lost Boys are major contenders for that title.

The intro may be fan service, but the intro of Ford - a really well-done time-jump cut - totally earns it.