Jack Frink

The main problem is that the finale is Indy and co. staring at fx for 10 minutes.

Well of course Last Crusade doesn't measure up to Raiders, one of the best movies ever made. Last Crusade is still great on its own merits.

Hey I think snake surprise looks good!


The opening 15 minutes feel like Indy doing Bond.

I like 1941, while recognizing why others find it unbearable.

The crushing room scene is also a lot for some people to take.

He saw the article last week. Secret's out of the bag.

A lot of people say Temple of Doom is the ultimate example of the power of nostalgia.

It wasn't Raiders.

Last Crusade is great. How is Sallah dumb? And Brody was capable *while not involved in the adventure* in Raiders. It makes sense to me he wouldn't be excellent in the field of battle.

People do eat snakes and monkey brains, and I thought the Kali cult was based somewhat in reality. The dinner scene is gross-out but not particularly racist in my view. They're making fun of Willie in that scene.

Came afterward in his career or came afterward in the Indy series? I don't think I can agree with either. Love the rope bridge sequence ("what are you doing?" from Mola Ram is great), but that tank chase in Last Crusade…

Mola Ram is a great villain, but I would not put him over Paul Freeman. Belloq is unforgettable.

I also read the villagers as noble, not backwards. If anything, Willie is backwards in her refusal to eat their food offering.

The Brits thing is the major sticking point, IMO.

The most racist thing in the movie, arguably, is the depiction of the colonizing English as saviors at the end of the film.

Spielberg's loathing of this film has long been recorded. I see the logic in a lot of his arguments, but it's hard to argue the final hour isn't some of the best, highest-velocity action filmmaking ever.

First time in the series.

The show isn't holding your hand. But the mention of the truck throws it all into relief.