Jack Frink

Audrey seems like a natural with the vulgarities.

Trump doesn't know what Twin Peaks is.

Boy is that a classic. Especially impressive when you think about how much Murray and Chase dislike each other.

Caddyshack barely has a plot and that's why it works.

Yea I like the movie a lot but felt like the series surpassed it, even with the scheduling difficulties.

Yep. Great film. And this episode showed that Lynch can still crush the big-heart stuff.

I'm glad someone else had the same read on this scene. Fenn was really good and slipped into the role like a comfortable shirt.

She is less than friendly

I think she married that guy because he was as far away from Ben as you can imagine. I don't think it was a sham, just a major life decision made out of pique.

He's definitely nailing that accent whatever happens to him.

He came across the Red Room and I think the Arm has somehow connected to his foot.

I don't think she was a "whore."

They actually made it explicit this was NOT about aliens, though.

The shots of the fan clearly indicate a presence in there. Woodsmen are coming.

So you're still on the whole "woman with passion in anger is a shrew" kick, huh?

I think this is the first time it's publicly known that Richard killed someone. It sounded like earlier infractions weren't as grievous.

Again, the Audrey scene added a lot. It set up how she is going to be involved in Richard's crime spree, capture and fallout.

Also surprised no one brought up Ben's green bike as his Rosebud. The homage/connection seemed very apparent.

I believe she also plays the Hayward matriarch on Twin Peaks.

I must have missed that.