Jack Frink

She had some good material in this episode around the abandoned house.

I was worried about the kids as soon as I saw them, too.

Clearly Lucy has more than a few brain cells on a few of these officers, despite getting tagged as the "slow" member of the team.

He's up there, but so are Watts and Forster.

Yea I thought she's been strong for the past few weeks. It helps that she's surrounded by the director and a murderer's row in the likes of Dern, Ferrer and Briscoe.

Surprise we don't get a mention of the vomiting figure in the woman's car. What are we to make of that?

Dana Ashbrook and Roger Waters say hi.

Oh yea lol. Spielberg's worst film (and I think even he would agree).

It doesn't.


Framing this one.

Not for me. TDK entrenches itself further as a landmark each time I view it.

Michael Caine is too old to go fishing at this point. Which makes me sad/worried, but guy is in his 80's.

But you said you never watched Melrose Placeā€¦

Yep I'm sure.

He absolutely did, which is why his anger at the plan's failure is so effective.

One of the best moments of Ledger's performance is how he drops his expression into confusion and disappointment when the boats don't blow up. You're right: the point is that The Joker finally pushed too hard and overextended himself. Finally, he was wrong in his predilection.

Batman himself, in the movie, calls out The Joker's idea with the boats as pointless. I believe it's even the point of that sequence.

They got it right with Best Picture last year.

That's a tough sell bc he's really really good.