Jack Frink

While they are eccentric, he has made two great movies since TWBB.

This is the correct answer.

Huh. I really liked the female characters in Inception and Interstellar.

Nonetheless, his Batman movies were original stories that made good use of existing mythos.

When I watch the movie now, I have so much sympathy for Bane. He was never given a chance to be anything but a monster. I have no sympathy for The Joker, who is as cruel and monstrous a film entity as any I can remember.

He'd be better than who we have now.

The look Bane gives the henchmen who's staying behind on the plane ("we started a fire.") always cracks me up. Like Bane is thinking, "wow, I really made this guy a brainwashed crazy!"

Too old for this project.

Yea that movie is full of political readings if you want to delve into them.

I think movie Wendy is clearly stronger than Jack. Despite being terrified, she protects Danny, defends herself successfully and escapes with the snow plow. She's a hero.

And the script.

What Spielberg movies have that angle? Nedry doesn't get away. Mayor Vaughan's career is over.

That movie is a feature-length false equivalence. "You like watching Indiana Jones shoot Nazis, so you're a hypocrite if you don't like what I'm doing to this family." Fox News-level specious argumentation.

The White Ribbon is one of the great modern movies. Give that a try.

Yep Funny Games is condescending and very bad. Haneke has made other great films, though. It's too bad one of the things he's most famous for is basically his worst work. And he made it twice!

Natural Born Killers should get its due as one of the great horror films of the 90's. I don't know if Stone was aiming/was aware that was what he was making, but it's incredibly effective.

It actually is not good, but people can try it if that's their thing.

Thank you. I'd even watch Chainsaw Massacre with approval if we could just admit Martyrs is pretentious garbage.

Yea I'm sorry, but TCM2 is quite painful to get through.

That classic bit is the only reason people are aware Death Bed exists.