Jack Frink

Those are on their way, I feel.

I'm almost positive that's coming somewhere down the line.

I don't own the series, so I'm picking this up.

Billy Ray Cyrus and especially Monty Montgomery are less-than-great actors who are really good in Mulholland Dr.

Some people think, because Richard broke a window, that his plan to immolate the trailer will not work.

Actors gotta eat. He probably doesn't have to worry about money anymore after that show.

Yea I feel a show like GoT is a much better target for these complaints. Are there people who have trouble with the violence against women on that program? Or CSI?

It's illuminating for me to see commentary like this. For me, this show is - by far - the best thing on TV. That others are so apathetic to it shows how different we all are.

McLachlan and Lillard deserve the Emmy nods. Wouldn't suggest the same for Belushi, just that he's very good in this role. It makes the most of his skills as an actor.

Agree to disagree.

What a bizarre opinion.

Are you the same person who gets mad when people call Alfred Hitchcock "Hitch?"

"And by the time I get out of prison, it'll be right around the time you're waking up from your coma. And then I'll come and bash your head in again. Because I'm stupid."

It is. "The Glasses." One of the first Tom Gammill/Max Pross episodes. A classic.

This loss hurt.

I thought the same thing.

Two, but your point stands.

Wow what a negative read on the character.

Such a great movie.

She was also leading the first FBI meeting. She was also shown investigating the fingerprints. She also tracked Diane's texts from Bad Coop. She also just made a break in the NYC case.