Jack Frink

I really think it was about showing his desperate attempts to escape consequences, not just "he's bad."

Also, there seems to be some question over if she is dead or not. Multiple people on this board say they saw her breathing.


How was Tammy arm candy?

They said "if we fire her, she's got nowhere to go." Definitely indicates an handicap association.

All of the stuff with the Mitchum brothers was funny. Jim Belushi's energy works really well in Lynch world - I thought he was hilarious.

I don't think he was ever going to get immunity. And I think Landa realizes this as well.

Sully was excellent as well. As were Invictus and Hereafter.

I don't know if he can "never be equaled," but…I don't think anyone has yet in terms of pushing the electric guitar forward in what the instrument can do.

No, Django is not a revenge film. They are on a mission to save Broomhilda, not to destroy the Candies/slavery.

I guess it is a cliche pick…but it's probably still the right one. Jimi did a lot more than long guitar solos (though he was great at that).

He revels in things like Landa having the swastika carved into his forehead. He doesn't revel on D'Artagnan being massacred in the least.

Violence was not romanticized at all in that movie. How does he "romanticize" black identity?

Django is not a revenge film. Hateful 8 not a revenge film. The "revenge" aspect of IB is really just a fold in a much larger story. And Death Proof is a horror film with a happy ending, so "revenge" isn't the whole point either.


Landa thinks the deal is real. The Basterds are happy to let him think that. But it wouldn't be convenient to turn a blind eye to Landa. He realizes too late what a enormous mistake he has made.

That's unfortunate.

SPR also has a happy ending.

I like Death Proof a lot, too.

Huh. I think Dogs gets a lot of his worst habits out of his system. Also, it's not as visually interesting as Basterds. And the foot stuff is really naturally woven into IB.