Jack Frink

Yea I think it's a bit of an insult to describe the work put down in this scene as "coasting."

Isn't there a "Best Guest Performer" category or something like that? In a fair world, as you said, he'd have that sewn up.

Hardest scene of his life. Also the best work he's ever done.

It is strange how the writing staff has all gotten on the same narrative that wasn't apparent to me at all. The more I think about Part 9 the more I like it.

Haneke has many great, challenging films that are much more worthy of your time.

Lynch country has a lot of actors giving the best performances of their career.

People definitely should be influenced by him, but the only person who can do Lynch correctly is the man himself. That's what I meant by the Hendrix comparison. Would love to hear the opinions on who has "bettered" rock guitar playing, too.

Well that is clearly true. I was worried he was having a stroke.

They're on the Criterion edition. Actually, it might just be the one scene I described. So "deleted scene."

Look at me, up here on the high ground! The high ground is so much fun to take.

That was my thought, too. I was also thinking of the vision of the Black Lodge from FWwM - lots of evil spirits in that sequence.

He wasn't the "sole savior" but he was easily a highlight. This is the performance of his career.

He's murdered after being emotionally tortured alongside his family for the first 2/3 of the movie. Screw Spoilers bc that movie is unwatchable.

His reaction shots have also been very compelling. Cole watching Hastings' interrogation was another example this week.

The finale of Dexter…

"Recent work."

That read as sincere to me. Hastings is at the end of his rope, so his eloquence and control over his word choice has diminished severely.

He made the same sound earlier when his spike was broken.

One of the most disturbing scenes in a very disturbing movie.

Big time.