Jack Frink

I thought he was a very compelling antagonist for the back half of Season 2. Also his demise was extremely satisfying.

I'm actually a fan of the Civil War fantasy stuff, so that's another reason why I enjoy that episode. Keaton had some nice shot choices in those sequences.

Yes, but the character wasn't around until Lynch came back to oversee the final run of the second season.

He does play that in the first 10 minutes of that awful, American Funny Games.

They didn't plan to stick around. These are some real nasty characters.

That was the major set piece, as far as I'm concerned. Devastating material.

Albert might have been playing dumb to not reveal to the Buckhorn authorities what a big deal the "Cooper" name drop was.

It's a fucking morgue!

The scene in which Windom Earle tortures Leo Johnson while playing that flute thing is a standout. Simultaneously establishes how dangerous and formidable Earle is, while also nailing the Lynchian mix of the horrific and the inexplicable.

He only started turning up once Lynch came back.

Streep is so good in "Bridges." She earned that nom.

Bingo. I got that too. Wonder if Lynch will be picking up the Criterion release of that one.

The Diane Keaton-directed episode is not bad. I think it's one of the highlights of the bumpy middle section of Season 2.

Black bears are the best bears.

In the deleted scenes of Mulholland Dr., there's another sequence with Forster and Briscoe where they similarly crack up about a "funny" story for a weirdly long amount of time. Lynch likes this idea a lot.

25 years is a long time. That being said, so many of the cast members have aged beautifully.

The boss seemed to be having some difficulty at the end of the interview with the Fuscos. And he did a weird arm thing, too. I'm wondering about the significance of that.

She was really good in that scene and her awkward stance with Diane and Coop was a highlight.

As some on these boards expected, everything is starting to converge on the Jones family in Las Vegas. Now Cole, Albert, Tammy and Diane are directly on the trail to "Dougie." Can't wait for that meet-up; how will Coop's former teammates react to his current state (especially when they know a criminal who looks like

Hutch has definitely watched Dark Coop and Chantal have sex before.