Jack Frink

That's one scene in FWwM that always messed up the film's pacing, too.

God he was amazing.

Yea I like the Diane Keaton episode. She at least had a vision for her take on the material. Plus Earle is really scary torturing Leo Johnson in that episode.

She was an avatar for the audience. "Man this is a long bit of silence." I kept thinking of Jack Donaghy's "I don't know what to do with my hands!"

Guitar players have an unwritten rule that you don't try to do Hendrix' stuff, because you'll ruin it and embarrass yourself.

Jane Adams' medical examiner is the first small-town authority figure Albert hasn't immediately held in contempt!

She kinda had a major showcase with Hastings in this episode. I thought she was very good there.

Huh. I didn't find this episode disappointing, or a chore, or clumsy in the least. Although I am disappointed we didn't get anything on Matthew Lillard's incredible performance ("there were so many people in there!") in this review.

Dale is back a little more in each episode.

You seem pretty angry. Who hurt you? They are the deserving targets of your acrimony.

I doubt that.

Who are you again?

…Dale Cooper.

I think we all know everything worth knowing about you at this point.

Pretty cool you got to do that in 2008.

Sorry your bad meme-making made your life difficult.

A lot of people on this site share that opinion.

Sorry you don't like how journalism works.

Thanks for admitting it.

You'll be ignored. And you'd rather be dead than have that happen. Up your game.