Jack Frink

See, I told you to stop whining, not to continue to annoy us.

CNN didn't "grease the skids."

You have a weird concept of "behavior police."

They had to follow up on the story.

Calm down. Stop whining.

The guy who made the meme was super happy when Trump retweeted it. That is, until consequences reared their head.

Trump was inviting violence with that tweet. He does it regularly. CNN is not policing this guy's behavior.

There's no morality policing here. A news organization is saying they'll follow up on the story if the story continues.

The Reddit poster is more or less getting away with it.


Trump fans keep showing the world what words and concepts they don't understand.

There is no threat. If guy wants to be in the news again, CNN will oblige.

That fake name isn't even clever pfft…

What Trump is doing is not harmless and Eric Trump is never right.

Reddit user is responsible for his own actions. If he puts himself into the public at this point, it's his own fault if he doesn't like the response.

I see your point, but don't want to upvote because dynamic is too horrifying.

Man did you miss the point!

The Reddit poster would be destroying his own life.

So the Bin Laden situation room photo is now also an example of neoliberalism? So many things are neoliberalism these days that basically nothing is.

…The Player…