Jack Frink

Surprised Dirty Projectors didn't show up in this article.

The new Shins and New Pornographers could've gotten a mention.

Thought City of Z and Colossal totally lived up the the raves.

Looks like I'm accomplishing it.

It's clear it's very important to you that other people think you are "right."

I find the idea of someone checking PornHub throughout the day - like they're keeping up with important news updates - quite humorous.

I think you've lost the thread of what you were pretending to argue.

Seeing as you reply to every single one of my comments, it seems like you take me very seriously. And this hasn't been a serious conversation about Twin Peaks for a while.

You just love being antagonistic. I doubt you actually want to talk about Twin Peaks.

The fact you have to ask those questions kinda proves what I'm saying.


I think we're learning more about you than Twin Peaks with this run.

And then reply over and over in an increasingly antagonistic tone. At this point I wonder if you're trolling.

Nope. You're not reading those comments correctly.

"It's just funny how everyone keeps saying things that amount to the idea of including POC, LGBT, and others would somehow irreversibly corrupt Lynch's vision or make the creative process too hard or too much work or something."

I don't read it as being annoyed with the topic, but annoyed at your personality and how you present it.

Both the boy and girl were.

Yea he really doesn't.

The NIN lyrics definitely synced up with the themes of this episode/the show overall.

Also we had a very young couple in this episode.