Jack Frink


Really doubt Lynch is worried about the work coming off as homoerotic.

"Because in my college video class we created weird stuff very similar to this…"

I agree with much of your comment, but cannot get behind the idea that Spielberg, Nolan, Tarantino are in a losing streak and Spike Lee isn't.

Kinda feels like this should be "Twin Peaks and other good shows."

I'd argue yes. You'd have no idea why Cooper is in the Lodge, or what BOB is, or why there are two Coops, or how it ties in with Laura Palmer.

Yea it seems like there is more but the actual love scenes don't go on for that long.

Dark Coop isn't invincible, but he has the supremely powerful Woodsmen to help him back to life. Those things are gonna be a problem.

I never got the "Leland is not responsible" angle. BOB goes where he is invited. Leland is judged as evil by the show.

All over the place.

Oh I think Game of Thrones is more or less done as conversation piece show after this.

I think that kinda downplays Maddin's talent.

The Black Lodge has MIKE, the Arm and sometimes Laura/Leland. Wife and I were noticing how barren it seemed.

I always thought Leland remembered BOB that way, but BOB actually showed up in a far different method.

The Cowboy was very much of our world by my reading.

Gerard is one.

The Giant's viewing room definitely looked like Club Silencio.

Yea I didn't agree with that either. Leland was a very bad man and BOB just took what was there.

Remaking mediocre movies is a better idea that remaking great ones. The remake might improve on less-successful earlier ventures.

She's much better in those (much smaller) roles.