Jack Frink

Yep, Mulholland Dr. was a waste of time. Great insight.

I didn't find the finger thing invasive. I knew we'd be talking about it on these boards, though.

Jade was awesome.

I'm finding Hudson interesting in the role. He brings a lot to it.

Log Lady got Hawk's whole situation started.

Lynch was really good in that scene. The long history he and Dern have together bled into the screen roles.

Yea I didn't know I was supposed to be getting "bad acting" from her. She works fine IMO, and had more to do in this episode.

Yea I thought so too.

We saw it coming down the hall earlier, too. The lieutenant seemed to see it but didn't react. Super creepy.

Awesome march. Watts is locked in.

Ben turned over a new leaf by the end of the original series, though.

Vote for the good one here.

It might still be.

Jade suggested he get a doctor because he "might have had a little stroke."

CHERISH the cabin.

Not surprising.

Larry Sanders also brought in several Twin Peaks alums.

Take that, Billy Joel!

We're on tenterhooks.

As Bob Belcher learned several seasons ago.