Jack Frink

My question too.

"Barely." Even if they're not the leads, there are many strong female characters all over his filmography.

We're pointing out that Spielberg has a plethora of strong female roles in his filmography, not celebrating him having actresses at all.

A very high-priced escort, actually. Ellen Pompeo also shows up.

That's movie is chock full of actresses in "before they were really famous" roles.

Spielberg's movies are dominated by white male protagonists. They're also dominated by international POV and interest in social justice.

Temple of Doom is much worse on that front than the others.

The Color Purple is one of his best movies…

Eazy E is a major troll. Just go with it.

Scorsese really isn't that much "worse." Again: most of his films include very strong female characters (although most are not the lead).

It's Chad from Twin Peaks.

While not being examples of that crass filmmaking themselves.

Wow is that second paragraph wrong.

Even if they're not the leads, nearly every Scorsese movie has strong, well-developed female characters.

So you're saying Scorsese had nothing to do with that movie's success? Okay…his style is all over it.

They're both very good.

One of the running jokes is that he isn't that good in bed.

Well the stuff they were doing at their parties/orgies did look fun. That's the point. It's the personalities and crimes that really turn you off.

While it's true that Marty hasn't made many movies with a female lead, to say there are "no good roles" for actresses in his filmography is quite inaccurate.

And let's not forget Liza in New York, New York.