Jack Frink

No, Leo and crew are very scuzzy. It's the least attractive role of DiCaprio's career.

Pretty sure he didn't want that to be Always' fate.

A great filmmaker who was actually a misogynist, even with Once Upon a Time in the West.

A great filmmaker who actually didn't ever have a woman as the lead in the story.

Wait, we didn't find Ellie Sattler likable? News to me.

That's a good paycheck, at least.

The IMDb episode listings are now what they seem.

…agreeing with the statement.

We'll see more of James.

Not unusual for a 70 year-old white guy.


James wasn't looking at Shelly. He was looking at her friend. I'm sure we'll see the Hornes again. Also, the promo showed Sarah in the supermarket so she is also coming back for sure.

As does the bodyguard. Also, again: Jade is one of the most sympathetic characters we've come across in the "Dougie Cooper" sequences. She's the only person who acknowledged that "Dougie" is acting like a stroke victim.

"Spread eagle," like a woman anticipating copulation? Hmm, what an unfortunate term to use. Maybe you have some unresolved issues with women yourself…

Bob's scooting on the beam was great animation.

Bob was also pretty badass when he cut that plane loose from Mr. Fischoeder's boat while it was in the air.

They have criminals after them. She has other priorities at the moment. Felt right to me.

Still dumb.

That last point is valid in the sense that it is not.

Caught my ear funny as well.