Jack Frink

In Austin we have Eeyore's Birthday, which is remarkably similar to this celebration (without the parade).

I like how it's always Bob who has to go to Reflections. Just so he has to deal with Harrell and Edith.

He seems to enjoy sex with mature women, too, going off his relationship with Jennifer Jason Leigh.

lol what was that from again? I remember busting out at that line.

I totally forgot about the age difference.

His work on Lambs (and Se7en) is what I always think of first.

Yes I enjoyed Zamata on the show. Her version of the "Where in the World is…" announcer was dead-on.


Lol bot

Ok I get that. They've recovered quite well, though.

The video for 1979 is also a masterpiece, and maybe one of the best music videos ever. I'd put it over "Tonight, Tonight" (which is also awesome) on account that it doesn't quote/steal another famous work for its structure and perfectly reflects the song's meaning in visual form.

Yes, I'd agree that people who innovated/invented the modern concept of the rock star and who are still living and performing fit the bill.

Even if it's a losing endeavor, how does a fight against Ticketmaster ("the man" if there ever was one) make someone lose rock star status? It seems like it should bolster it, IMO.

Zemeckis realized he would have to do tons of re-writes, and while he has that talent his time is worth too much to do that anymore.

Flight was three movies ago, but that is anything but dull. It's one of Zemeckis' very best.

Spider-Man 2 is one of Raimi's very best movies.

Zemeckis has done great work. So has Raimi, if less of it.

Except Nolan wasn't really "swallowed." His Batman films are very much a part of his "auteur" arc or whatever you want to call it. He made those movies because they gave him a framework for stories he wanted to tell.

Raimi's last few haven't been his best, though.

I think there are several stretches of awesome superhero action in Nolan's trilogy.