Jack Frink

It's worth noting that his friends did abandon him by the film's end.

Definitely rang true for that type of person.

Sounds like you got a different movie than you expected and are mad about it.

He then kills the older son (Heath Ledger). Gibson loves his movies to pile on the misery.

Also, it's not like the bike people didn't pay.

That scene blatantly ruins the film IMO. So over the top and historically inaccurate.

Chicken Run also has very British villains.

Also the concert DVD sounds awesome.

Also, the package is pretty darn good.

Amy Adams is in The Master.

I liked her in that. Movie is underrated by a lot of people.

The horrible writing for that telecast was as much at fault as Franco.

It seems like a lot of people forgot she was Oscar-nominated for "Rachel Getting Married." She's done messy characters before.

Gotta be the Hustons.

Isn't he also the star of the soap opera Grimsrud is watching in Fargo?

That movie is one of Pfeiffer's best performances. She (and Dean Stockwell) make the whole thing work.

Unfortunate Matthew Modine performance is the only major demerit.

What a huge loss for the film community. Gotta think Paul Thomas Anderson is taking this news pretty hard.

Yes. There are long stretches of the book where Harris is very interested in letting the reader know how much he knows about FBI forensics.

"Tells the same story every timeā€¦" is kinda a hallmark of auteurs, though.