Jack Frink

Stills is GOP?

John Denver won't be weighing in.

Trump doesn't listen to music.

Hereafter is a good movieā€¦

He's a much better artist than human. That interview was awful.

Sully was fantastic. Seems a lot of the AV Club just wrote it off.

Letters from Iwo Jima is in Clint's top 3.

Yea, American Sniper and Sully were both big successes.

La La Land was pretty successful.

The way that movie handled the crash/rescue was really well done. The sequence with the evacuation of the plane is one of the best things Eastwood has done.

What does one mean by "stagnant?" That he doesn't innovate within the form?

Challengers is also a good pick.

Williams would definitely be able to hit the notes if this is a movie that is honest about Davis being a scary, abusive jerk.

And the new PTA

That's pretty much their best album.

3-5 are gone already. They'll only have season 1.

Man, Netflix is only going to have one season of Bob's Burgers. That's a huge blow to a lot of people. Glad my household owns the DVDs.

No one who replaces O'Reilly will have his impact or "charisma" as a pundit, though. In many ways, Bill is the face of Fox News.

Limbaugh has been seriously kneecapped, at least.

It's very important to you, isn't it?