Jack Frink

The infantilization of whole groups there is classic Fox News.

I rip and I rhyme, I rhyme and I rip. This is how DIElan/Geraldo spits.

He's in a band with Gene Belcher.

Limbaugh is basically financed as a RW charity case these days. His advertisers never came back and his recent deal was considerably worse than what he had before Sandra Fluke.

Once advertisers leave they don't come back.

She seems to be constantly working. I think she gets a lot of attention.

Well you won't have to worry about Portlandia for much longer.

True. But Coogin has a track record.

He read an "article" that said the passenger was selected by a computer, yet same "article" didn't mention passenger as being a doctor.

Ricky Coogin consistently takes the wrong side of any subject, then dies on said hill. He's a troll.


So you don't understand the implication of your own comment. Cool.

That's not really how acting contracts work.

You'd miss a lot of good stuff if you did that.

This was an A episode.

It doesn't. The original comment is bizarre.

Nothing was "cured" at the end of Silver Linings. I feel this is a consistent misread.

I think Lawrence has indie cred established thanks to Winter's Bone.

Bill Nighy is an actor who makes any movie he's in immediately better just by showing up. Davy Jones was a highlight of the 2nd and 3rd Pirates.

Interesting to see the Jennifer Lawrence backlash in full swing here. You can really time this stuff to your watch.