Jack Frink

I think you mean "erotic."

Shot Of Love is also much better than its reputation.

That "Not Dark Yet," "Cold Irons Bound," "Make You Feel My Love" song cycle is one of the best in his career.

Leo took his sketchbook!

I recognize that Batman isn't up to the heights of "Sign of…," but I'm loathe to say it's bad. The songs work for me.

I was about to say, there's this guy named David Lynch.

Just step on Chuckie. God.

I like the Altman vibe of Season 3.

Orange Crush has bite to it.

Loved Gene's impression of Linda re: how he got the cellphone. "Calculatuh on it."

Hi little girl, did you talk to your mommy?

No disrespect meant to the marvelous Mrs. Streep, but it is not totally implausible that she has engaged in that activity outside of the demands of a role.

I thought it was pretty obvious LeFou was gay in the original animated Beauty and the Beast.

Gene had a really strong episode last week.

I love Teddy with the swollen face asking for "bacon burger" in garbled speech.

Aww I love Bed and Breakfast.

Love the detail of Bob owning a copy of Bachelor Party.

Yep, looked it up right after and realized I was wrong. I leave the comment up as a testament to my cluelessness.

1950, I believe.
