Jack Frink

Was Jerry Garcia a difficult guy to work with?

Call it the "Kubrick effect."

He's really good in his brief "Line" appearance, though. Totally makes you feel his domineering, cocky character and how he looms over Nick Nolte's character.

The Spoon review is not very well written. This sentence is tortured horribly:

I guess I'm in the minority in thinking Transference is the best thing they've done.

That was more of a rape scene.

Phil Selway

They also influenced lots of good artists.

Ebert loved Northfork.

Glad that Leon wasn't this year's choice. My least favorite Oldman performance.

He's a Trump person. The fact he found a (totally irrelevant) article shows he is higher on the food chain.

It was Lou's favorite.

It doesn't sound like a fun lifestyle though.

I really doubt you have total awareness of how everyone listens to things.

Aren't both I'm Set Free and Beginning To See The Light in the second half? Can't see a quality dip there.


Those songs aren't really "romanticizing" drug abuse, to my ears.

The screenplay and direction kills it. All the actors are giving their all.

Seems like Illana is the crazy one actually.

ScarJo is gorgeous, obviously, but McKinnon is also quite attractive in this preview.