Jack Frink

Oh, it's (nearly) universally hated as one of the worst movies ever made. Which it is.

It will be hard pressed to be worse than Very Bad Things.

Except Dave isn't half the degenerate Krusty is.

Personally more excited to hear from Broadbent about any new projects with Mike Leigh.

Hot mic.

Michelle is better looking than Melanie IMO.

He was so good with Rylance in their scenes together. Master class stuff.

When I think of Jason Robards I think of dying Earl Partridge in the bed in Magnolia.

That category also had Leo DiCaprio in Wolf of Wall Street. My choice.

Jack Warner was a notoriously nasty man. It seems obvious he would use language like that, especially in the era that this show is set.

He was also excellent in Bridge of Spies and was overlooked. Hanks has had so much success he's almost weirdly underrated at this point.

Trump people will hate this movie, though. Streep is an avowed enemy, Spielberg and Hanks are libruls, and WaPo is fake news. Trump people who are old enough to have lived through this probably think it was wrong to publish the Pentagon Papers and that Nixon should have stayed in office.

Such an awful idea for a movie. It would be impossible to make.

I thought he was good as Venom.

That's Batman Begins.

Yeah, which should make TDK's entry very interesting. Unless he goes with Iron Man.

"Notoriously poorly shot." I'm not on board with this.

Ebert had to answer for his pan of Blue Velvet for nearly three decades. Mike will do the same with that column.

Which itself is a homage to the opening of 8 1/2.

It's a great film, but I don't think it was even the best of its respective year.