Jack Frink

The Dark Knight shows up in 2008, so that should be good.

Hillary in office wouldn't have raised those chances, either. So not really an advantage.


You seem to have lost the thread somewhere.

It won 6 awards.

Well there's a strawman.

"Every single scene come off as untrue."

Lol okay Bob.

Hacksaw for sure.

Hidden Figures wasn't nearly as condescending and obvious as Crash.

Nicholson himself said he voted for Brokeback.

The closing credits to both movies are strikingly similar.

"Doing basically nothing." Your laziness is noted.

Man it burns you up that she is so successful, huh?

This is kinda common sense.

I really wonder if he'll be nominated again, no matter how good future performances may be.

That's what we call "being professional and getting it over with."

I presume you've done so much for this issue?

Best Actress from the previous year always presents Best Actor.

Exactly. She acted professionally in the moment. We all know how she felt.