Jack Frink

Except it was. All those movies were good to great. They weren't better than Moonlight. Oscars got it right for once.

Not more worthy than Moonlight.

Man it does make me mad when people like things, too.

Yeah I found it somewhat thrilling. The Oscars are always described as "stale and boring." This was not that.

This was extremely dramatic and entertaining. Moonlight is going to be elevated because of this bizarre event. More people will see it.

Impossible. It is a perfect film.

There are definitely some retro, nostalgic design and thematic elements. But I don't think the movie is a celebration of "things were better back then." That's a narrative you bring into the theater with you.

He does. The movies aren't bad.


I'm glad you put quote marks around "outsider" and "insider," because that's a ridiculous perception of the dynamic. "Collusion" toward what? Wanting to get Democrats elected? That's the whole point.

"slick and professional also signifies bad in Chazelle's world"

I didn't read either of these elements the way you did. Legend's band was slick and professional, and I could understand why they had a following.

Movie is definitely pretentious. All of Inarritu's work is.

Going to dinner is bad optics when everyone wants the two sectors of the left to get along. Gee, I don't know.

Was John Legend's band "comically terrible?" That's not how I read it at all. Also, Mia gets pushed back by the crowd. She doesn't hate the band.

R.E.M. had a longer run and more classic records that those two (admittedly amazing) discographies.

I think "Everybody Hurts" really nails the sincerity without dipping into being trite. It's a beautiful composition that is not acknowledged because it was overplayed.

Hi-Fi is my favorite R.E.M. album.

Eh I guess I expect a bit higher standard from pop culture writers.

Also "Alligator Aviator…" is so good.