Jack Frink

I like October a lot.

And the guitar riff in "Shiny" is pretty awesome.

I've Been High, The Lifting, Chorus and the Ring, Bang a Drum, I'll Take the Rain. There are a lot of great songs on Reveal.

Reveal is very good and gets underrated all the time.

Probably the greatest discography for any American rock band.

Seb's "jazz" doesn't really get picked up. He has a successful club (probably financed by his tenure in a very popular band). He gets to play at the club, because it's his, but we're given no indication that he's a star jazz musician.

I disagree heavily on Yoshimi and We Were Dead…, but that is the worst, most shallow misreading of Automatic for the People I've ever read. Congratulations on missing out on one of the best albums ever recorded, guy.

LOL I mentioned that part of Lebowski somewhere upthread.

If she did the email perfectly, maybe five more people would have showed. That's optimistic. Both elements can co-exist.

Also, she parks in the wrong area and gets her car towed at the beginning of the movie. She's naive about the way the city and industry works. You're dead-on in your appraisal.

DUH. Seems like there should be a lot more outrage about those noms. Is it just because it's not expected to win?

I thought they did a fine job. I'm a rock and roll guy and huge Dylan fan, so maybe I don't require high-level technical chops if I feel the craft is well-structured.

I thought both movies were great, but Argo stuck to me. I thought Affleck's direction was fantastic.

I think it will have staying power.

Dr. Mantis Tobaggin!

"I'm an expert on movies. I've seen over 100 of them."

Bingo. Seb is practically Alvy Singer in his neurotic, "things were better back then!" arrogance. Mia is talented, but naive and insecure. The movie recognizes these flaws in the characters. It also uses classical tropes, but clearly doesn't opine that things were superior in the past. I feel like people are bringing

I also think you misread the movie badly. The movie acknowledges that Mia's idea was a bit half-baked.

You're terrible at this.

And Boyhood actually deserved the awards. Instead, they went to Birdman, a film that really should be the target of the backlash La La Land is now facing.