Jack Frink

A lot of these La La Land think pieces I'm seeing lately are missing major sections of the film, it seems.

The movie acknowledged that the characters were flawed, it did not make a virtue out of it. I don't understand how so many people are missing this dynamic.

If anyone is beating Affleck it's Denzel.

Or the landlord's one-person show in The Big Lebowski.

Well the Miles Teller character in Whiplash was not exactly the most emotionally healthy person, so I don't think the movie was agreeing with him on that point.

Huh. I thought it was her movie more than Seb's.

It was definitely foreshadowing the low turnout. I don't think this article picked up on that, what with the "real reason" headline and everything.

The movie is also up front about their personality faults and why those are causing stumbling blocks for them. A lot of people are missing this.

I think Mia's lack of email etiquette is intended - Damien Chazelle would know about the BCC, hiring a publicist, etc.

The reactionaries started this fight, though. No one was trying to force anyone to care about transgender rights until anti-American legislation was drawn up.

'tis so.

It is, but Scorsese has so many great movies it seems like people go "oh yeah, Casino!" and only bring it up after several other titles.

Yes. "Silence" was "shite." You're good at movies.

You're really insightful!

Agree to disagree I guess.

Not at all the "Progressive Line." There is nuance and progressives are, in general, supportive of sex workers' rights.

You don't despise the KKK at all. We can all see your lies.

Man some people are really dedicated to this narrative. Kinda humorous.

Eh whatever. She deserved that Oscar. Agree that Goodman should have one or two, as well.

Birdman is forgotten. Spotlight, Million Dollar Baby and The Departed continue to have an impact.