Jack Frink

An interesting counterpoint. I do think he thrives on any attention, though.

You may be right on. Guy is such a narcissist, though. It's hard to find some grounding.

My thoughts as well.


That's a shame.

Of course

Yep. The Democrats actually have to ostracize their embarrassment members.

They have a more deserving target now.

Seems lately they've given up on the concept of learning.

Are we sure the boyfriend exists?

I've always wondered if Milo is lying about being gay solely so he can use it for his "can't be a bigot" card.

Those people are always scared.

Gay and Jones are 100% right.

I love Linda's corrections of Gayle's continuing misunderstandings. She has been guiding her dumb sister forever.

We call it "making muffins" in my household.

Don't forget the puppy Louise loved to visit with Linda.

"Can I take Mr. Business for 15 minutes. Not for an audition."


I find Jimmy far more insufferable than Gayle, and that's saying something.

I loved the whispered "goodbye" exchange at the end. As if Bob and Ian were old enemies.