Jack Frink

It is not a Nazi word and actually a perfect descriptor for people who act the way you describe.

Nah it's an exact interpretation of what you wrote. You should pay better attention to what you are doing.

Wow. Just grabbing a Trump supporter argument wholesale now.

Seems like he touched a nerve.

There are people still defending him on Facebook. At least we know who the degenerates are.

Yes…a movie.

Man was he vile - and blank as a fart.

Also Frank Silva and Jack Nance.

If we could all do that, it may just kill him.

He's had a really rough year, to the point that "really rough" is an insulting understatement. The fact that he's getting out this much is commendable. His physical appearance belies how much pain he's in, though. Guy's a hero in my book.


I think that ship has sailed. He's really far gone.

Perfect casting there.

Woods could have actually endeared himself if he had just played at rushing the stage. The whole thing with the shoe and Twitter comment put it over the top, though. It's too bad - he used to be a really interesting, great actor. Just watched Casino again recently; he's so perfect in that movie.

He's a Russian bot. His arguments aren't to be taken seriously.

Surprised no Casablanca mention. Groundhog Day is also a contender IMO.

He is.

Great standards.

Might as well just admit you're a Russian bot at this point.

lol good insight.