Jack Frink

The Wayne murders aren't dramatized of mentioned in TDK or TDKR, either.

I doubt The Joker has to pay the goons anything. I think his people worship him like a God.

Bill was heading in that direction anyway.

Embryonic and The Terror are among their best work. I also like Mystics.

Always how I read it: underlining the failure of Nedry's plot.

Technically correct, the best kind of correct.

Man this is embarrassing for you. But you don't know it, so you're very funny to the everyone else.

He'd do a better job.

So you are admitting you're an idiot. Cool.


The Box is an awful movie.

Talking like this is the reason Eastwood gave him the job in Sully, isn't it?

Shared a clip from that movie today. She's a highlight of the movie. I like her forcing George Segal to smell the cheese.

I give it 4 1/2 stars out of five.

I understand you liked the movie a lot. No one is interested in you buying anyone's assumption.

We live in America, and she is a terrible human being. We will criticize her until she disappears.

I thought the same thing. Lack of sleep and heavy drinking will also do that to you.

Huh. I really like 5150.

Seems like you're putting far more credibility into the Oacar votes than they deserve because you liked Birdman a lot.

Even when he's begging for some kind of sanity.