Jack Frink

Doesn't require all 5,000 for Birdman to win, and it's certain that more than a few did exactly that. This is the same group of people who are known to vote for movies they haven't seen.

Those Oacar noms are so disappointing.

His official title in my book is "rapist Roman Polanski." But if Geimer has forgiven him I can't get too furious. Guy will be dead in the near future anyway.

Phoenix and Affleck were clearly drinking and drugging a lot during the project. No excuse for the behavior, but it seems obvious.

Tons of Beatles fans do that. One of the major conversations I ever hear about The Beatles anymore revolves around John's personality issues.

I do have a feeling this negative publicity will be the reason Gosling or Garfield wins Best Actor.

The two traits go together apparently.

Davi is a Trump supporter. He is a scumbag in real life.

Cliff Robertson? That sucks.

So the film crew was also made up of jerks. Wow.

So it's this year's American Sniper.

It's not a different year. And it's not a coin flip either. Yikes.

No, that's not the message because there isn't anything to communicate there. Movie is a technical exercise with several winning performances.

They are famously stodgy. Their tastes probably don't align with Birdman. But it was a hip, edgy movie at the right time so they went with it.

Issei Ogata for Silence was right there, too! I'm surprised he wasn't up for Supporting Actor.

Emma Stone is the front runner. Huppert's movie and performance are too edgy to get the votes.

Yes, take Streep out and put Adams in.

Some people still haven't forgiven Portman for being in the Star Wars prequels. She will never live up to any standard in their eyes.

Portman was excellent in Jackie.

It's her movie.