Jack Frink

Munich and Brokeback were the best movies of the year.

Traffic is not worse than Gladiator. Come on.

Besides Traffic, wasn't You Can Count On Me from 2000? Wonder Boys, Requiem and Almost Famous are also great.

God what a forgettable title that was.

Birdman winning has poisoned the well for La La Land possibly winning, which is too bad, because LLL is the far better film and actually is one 2016's best releases.

Wow, that's some great gymnastics. The movie doesn't have a clear message because it has no real message at all.

All of IƱarritu's movies are.

I have a very hard time believing the Academy loved Birdman. That selection felt like zeitgeist-grabbing.

Is it? The more I think about that movie the emptier it seems. La La Land was at least about something other than showing off.

They were excellent and I think Emma Stone should win.

Was Hacksaw Ridge really this good? Mel Gibson nominated over Scorsese is bizarre, and Garfield was amazing in Silence as well (I know he's nominated for "Ridge," but that makes it even more of a head-scratcher).

Now I'm sorry that you're using strawman arguments and that you think you're some kind of political warrior.

Wow. Horrific.

I actually felt sorry when that character died.

That's my favorite Miguel Ferrer role.

Yeah, Booker is an enemy now. Really helpful POV there.

He was also great as the DEA's reluctant star witness in Soderbergh's Traffic.

Nice strawman.

Because Hillary and Trump aren't even close to the same person, and Hillary has high approval ratings when she is actually on the job. Stop letting the narrative carry you.

Wow, I'm learning about more of the candidates for "Worst Video Game Ever" today.