Jack Frink

Is the one of the usual choices? I'm not too knowledgeable, but I know the Bebe's Kids video game is infamously awful.

No. Hillary would not be the least popular PEOTUS in history had she won. Let's stick to reality.

Are people insisting that?

It also inspired the worst video game ever made.

Roy Scheider doesn't really have a physical address anymore…

I saw the Biloxi mayor came out and denounced that ridiculous headline/advertisment/whatever.

Yes. At the same time, I'm somewhat happy he's not around to see what is happening in our country right now. Same goes for Bowie and Prince.

No matter how many times I read that paragraph, it still holds up as one of the best put-downs in all of history.

Cue all the reactionaries who hated Meryl Streep's Golden Globe speech (a call for decency, respect and morality) - and who hate celebrities talking politics - to now exclaim that Schneider really gets the point.

He seems to tweet something stupid like this ever 14 months or so.

Sprout's work on the recent GbV albums make a strong argument that he's only gotten better as a songwriter since the 90's.

Except with his price jacking he does actual damage to communities.

Reducto ad absurdum. On top of not understanding your own argument.

It's ambiguous.

Identity politics are the cynical term for "treating everybody with respect except racists and bigots." But we have a lot of racist sympathizers in this country who have a LOT of problems with that idea.

Oh calm down. It's no different than it's ever been.

Your last line just disqualified everything else about your argument. And it was more than turning heads; the shot was ruined because of these gawkers. Maybe read the story closer, pay better attention.

It's real.

And we thus talk about how gross the perverts are. This isn't rocket surgery.

It does not.