Jack Frink

Lighten up, Francis.

Black Mask is Mike Pence.

Clearly the guys at this shoot were doing more than "peeking." The footage was unusable on their account.

….she kinda was. That was the joke.

You'll know. It isn't a hard distinction.

Except that's the logical extension of your point, which is apparently very important to you.

So many people are making themselves not understand your rather simple point.

Man does his performance (he's technically the lead) in that movie feel dated. Not one of Wilder's most memorable characters.

While it's fun to make light of Reznor's tone here, I think a good thing would be to actually converse with the meat of his argument. Are there really no artists right now releasing innovative music? St. Vincent and Frank Ocean seem to be, to my ears. Kendrick, too.

Can't understand a word.

I especially love the dialogue that is repeated from the earlier scene. So natural.

Lol so much is wrong with the Intercept.

Well he is the main character…

He's also in Woody Allen's Husbands and Wives.

"This thing/person is almost a copy of the other thing/person."

Nah. Re-editing the unique structure would ruin it.

"I made a 40 year-old woman cry in Spain."

It's weird. Danny Glover hasn't been in a worthwhile movie since Manderlay. Are there really no worthwhile roles for him?

Frond being the only one dancing enthusiastically was a great character beat.

Their last two albums are among the best stuff they've done.