Jack Frink

YOLO, right?

Fo sho.

Eh…she deserved the Oscar for Black Swan. I've always thought she was good.

Rob Reiner's latest, LBJ (which is the best movie Reiner has made in 20 years), would make a good double feature with this movie. Same event seen from LBJ's POV.

I disagree. Just one example, we all knew Fury Road was a classic the moment we watched it.

"I actually ordered a sandwich."

The animated series Two-Face is still in the running for the best version ever.

"Don't forget me. AND ME!"

Good job of wrapping up the loose threads from Begins.

He's more or less defeated when Batman gives him his own fear toxin.

I don't agree with any of these takes.

So…a better legacy than Jeff Zucker will leave behind, I think.

The look he gives, after being shot, as he takes out the final bandits in Seven Samurai.

Still my pick for the greatest actor who ever lived.

See ya around, Tracy…

You're fun.

Pacino is hilarious. Hoffman is good in a very small role.

I love Dick Tracy, too.

Or "The Words."

Not as bad as "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen."