Jack Frink

Yea, I meant 2008.

The BFG was a very good movie, it's too bad the main thing people seem to care about is that it didn't do well at the box office.

How is it suspicious that a bad musician would be super famous? That doesn't stretch believability for me.

I thought that was interesting. Developing the event in chunks.

We are a lot better now than we were in 2016. You'll realize that the hard way.

"Steve Forbes wrote the damn book."

Man it must be fun to stay stupid things.

Man, that's some good stupid right there.

That corruption is going to be much worse.

A lot of the anger will move from our fellow citizens toward the incompetent administration and Congress.

Very happy Rylance won.

Finch was not the right call.

Taxi Driver came out the same year.

She was very good in Shakespeare In Love and her acceptance speech was wonderful.

Man, that status quo with our strengthening economy and expanding voice for marginalized groups was so awful! Blow it up!

Paltrow, who I have enjoyed in many movies, really is living up to her out-of-touch, privileged reputation. She sounds like a Sanders supporter.

He was being modest.

Everybody Hurts is my pick, which is a cliche choice, I'd put as their best.

Those final four songs on Out Of Time are what puts it over the top.

I Took Your Name and Circus Envy also.