Jack Frink

Strawman. Not even close to my argument.

Bobby probably doesn't follow Arnold on Twitter.

Also according to reality.

One thing exists a lot more.

He said "How Much a Dollar Cost" was the best song of 2015, too.


I saw multiple Wayne-Garth combos for whatever reason.

Stan Lee? I don't know.

D'Angelo seems to have some distaste for Herzog in general. "As much meme as filmmaker?" WTF?

Both of those guys are very close to Groening and Sam Simon'a avatars from the Simpsons episode clip spectacular.

Interstellar wasn't that explodey.

I think Marnie is the superior movie of the two, IMO.

This is not surprising.

I was surprised we didn't get a mention of Polito's passing (or the dedication to him) in the review.

Oh, didn't realize there was a 10-year statute of limitations on this.

"That's not a thing."

Zeke's enthused "I liked it!" from the audience was perfect.

The end of that zombie candy Adventure Time is kinda twisted, however.

That helped make the joke for me. "Is he from something?"

Matt Foley. Motivational speaker Matt Foley.