Jack Frink

The fact that he's in 73 of the floors is hysterical.

The comedy of the inexplicable is always a winner for me.

I thought this was funnier than Kevin Roberts actually.

With a touch of gray hair too. I found that amusing.

Almost certainly the point.

Not really the argument.

Movie was pretty good.

Yea also in the running for sure.

Shit, no kidding. Didn't even realize it.

Classic Hemingway.

Just reading about this movie makes me feel moral outrage. Is there any acknowledgement of the other victims?

Those folks seem to agree with me…

…thinks it was a good, if unnecessary, choice.

He long ago made clear he doesn't have any interest in living up to peoples' expectations.

That's not really Bob Dylan's thing. This is exactly how I expected him to respond.

Well that is ridiculous.

Yes. Next question.

License To Kill gets flack? For my money it's obviously one of the best Bonds period.

Leaving Las Vegas, Nixon, Dead Man Walking and Casino were all better movies from that year.

Severe understatement.