Jack Frink

Maybe he's not a drunk anymore, but he still has the pathologically violent, sexist, racist, homophobic, anti-Semitic stuff in his head.

We do know he was physically abusive. He slugged his gf while she had her kid in her arms, knocking both to the ground. He's not a good guy.

Yea the murderous real estate developer was actually pretty menacing. He buries a guy alive in cement, right?

I feel License To Kill is the better Dalton Bond.

He's also pretty indelible as Itchy in Dick Tracy.

I have a soft spot for Last Action Hero.

That's a type of homophobia that doesn't even make sense to me. Really, the idea of two naked (probably sexy, as this is hypothetical) women cavorting is somehow not arousing to a straight man? What?

The big deal is when Wally finally responds to Andre about what he "really thinks" about all the monologues and stories. The movies really takes off at that point.

Reminds me of all the kids who must have gotten nightmares from the facial-destruction horror in Raiders and Poltergeist.

Murtaugh takes down the General in a pretty bad-ass way.

He was also the uptight, tyrannical dad in Dead Poets Society.

Awesome idea.

Reagan was Slytherin in this breakdown.

Now the song is really dirty lol.

I like the album art for Mystics, Embryonic and Terror.

Silver Trembling Hands and Try To Explain are pretty memorable…

He escapes it within the walls of the fidgety heart where he hides.

lol I thought that gave Richard Beymer some interesting stuff to act. The James subplot was water treading, though.

Technically Pavement is eligible this or next year. I doubt they'll be finalists anytime soon.

No, I do. You should stop doing it. It makes you look silly.