Jack Frink

His voice is rather unique.

It is. You apparently haven't seen Marty's movie.

I bet the Nobel committee has read a good amount of that stuff. But you go ahead and keep appealing to authority. It is hilarious.

Sounds like more of a Neil Young response.


Good job, you found an angle to blame the woman for it!

Also, she's in The Lookout and American Gangster, good movies both.

Last thing I saw him in was Flight, which is a great movie that he's excellent in.

It also did everything else well.

Should've disagreed about him being a dick. That was the right path to take. You chose poorly.

Just about what I would expect from Bob on this and I love him more for it.

Glad you agree. The real airtight argument would be watching the two movies and realizing Thr Departed is obviously the superior cinematic experience.

Eh…pretty sure Obama doesn't hold that opinion, but he has to go along with what the jury said.

Heard a track off of this on the radio this past weekend. I liked it.

Man, people who attack misogynists are the worst!

It's wrong and you're being reductive.

Nope. If he votes Trump he's worthless.

Is he nice?

DNC didn't rig anything. Wake up.

There is one very good option, actually.