Jack Frink

He's very wrong about the Travyon shooting.

Oh yea those people are sooo awful! lol stop whining.

Wikileaks is trying. Failing so far.

Agreed. I think ending his post with that comment is what rubbed people the wrong way. Not a good note to go out on.

I think the movie acknowledges that Cobb wasn't a good husband. The rest of your post suggests you don't know the movies very well.

That's the Al Gore criticism you're stealing.

The IMDb ratings are jokes, but I think both those movies are great.

He overacts to make up for the material and it still doesn't work.


I think it's the "saw her butthole; I liked it," that is getting the most condemnation.

It's so hard to some guys to avoid saying stuff like his Lawrence or pregnant porn quotes. It's just odd to me.

While that is gross, it is also dubious. Maybe people who looked at those pics closely can correct me, but were there any shots as invasive as that? I feel like I would have heard more about it.


If you only see one movie for the rest of your life, make it GATTACA.

Mark McKinney as Schaefer was also a great ingredient.

"Steve Forbes wrote the damn book!"

That last line could be a Norm joke, practically.

*crosses out "dead wife" note*

She seems to find it pretty funny as well, from my memory.

The best Farley bit in Dirty Work is the long run about his unseen, monstrous roommate "Old Jack." It loses the funny if you transcribe it totally, but: