Jack Frink

And can start collecting molds, spores and fungus.

You seem fun.


Are you implying that the lyrics to "Ballad Of A Thin Man" are "guff?"

He's actually one of the great American filmmakers even with the stupid RNC stuff.

I liked Midnight.

The mental image of Trump clutching on the ground in distress while you stand to the side, arms crossed, saying, "sorry, don't know CPR!" with a shrug is pretty funny.

So disappointing.

Proud to be in a group of discerning listeners, even if it's smaller than expected. Album is good.

You have strong opinions on this particular cut. That solo is pretty good.

IMO makes some of the songs sonically empty.

I like You Got Me Rocking.

The Worst is good.

He did some great work. RIP.

Thru and Thru, Baby Break It Down, Love is Strong, You Got Me Rockin', Mean Disposition. There are a lot of good songs on that record…

I like Undercover.


Back Of My Hand

And for what it is, Let It Be is great.

You seem fun.