Jack Frink

Both are true. It was an accident, but PTA saw how well it worked - as well as it did in Cuckoo's Nest - and kept it.

I was about to comment about that.

He gives one of the only successful performances in Dune, as well.

Yea, Nashville should have won. This was a fantastic movie year.

It appears two of them may be in the institution because they are gay. The story is set in the early 60's, right?

Yea, the complaint about McMurphy falling asleep seems off to me. I thought "of course" when I first saw the film.

And DeVito's.

She looks like Mila Kunish, I've always thought.

Every character who is killed is also given a description of them shitting their pants. It's weird.

Yep. Another good pick.

Bateman is doomed either way.

First pick, always. Also The Godfather.

My thoughts as well. Fantastic finale.

I personally thought the other patients did come off as having individual personalities in the film. I'd rather hang out with Taber than Cheswick, for instance.


"Great song. It's over now."

Or any of the tragedies going on between the police and African-American men.

Btw, Bruce turned 67 today. So happy b-day to the Boss.

Good trolling to you.

Philip. Baker. Hall.