Jack Frink

Prince supported Black Lives Matter. He may have been weird about gay people, but he was no Republican.

I was thinking a more modestly-dressed White Queen. Definitely someone from the Hellfire Club.

Or being comfortable in crowded rooms.

Shoshanna is not too terrible.

Some of those "comedic lines" sound like Patrick Bateman dialogue. I get a feeling Tucker Max didn't understand you aren't supposed to like Bateman when he watched American Psycho.

Sure you have. Sure you do.

Some people have complained/criticized that she looks like a "super villain" in those outfits. I kinda think that adds to her coolness factor.

Character is crazy and evil, but that monologue is true. The mark of a great villain is that you can have empathy for their POV. I don't think Amy Dunne is a feminist icon, but she's smart in her commentary here.

People who complain about Hillary's wardrobe have no idea what goes into the making of those decisions and the structural issues surrounding how women dress.


Chris Cillizza, Michael Tracey and Cenk Uygur are currently clawing over each other for the first hot take.

Changing media landscape. Lighten up.

The production designer for this movie taught one of my college classes. He said they really could have used some more funding.

Nice trolling, GOP plant.


The realization of Forrest's self-awareness makes the rest of the movie play differently.

I think the movie has more than its share of cynicism, too.

I don't get this "says she deserves it." The movie never comes close to doing that in my view.

Jenny didn't have her act together after sleeping with Forrest. She randomly runs off again the next morning. There easily could be some more abuse between then and the next time we see her.

Classic line.