Jack Frink

In Her Shoes is very good and they didn't even mention it here.

RIP to a very skilled filmmaker.

Bought the Shout Factory box set and am currently in the second season. All the characters are enormously flawed, but Phil really makes my skin crawl.

"Larry Sanders in politics" is basically the high-concept pitch.

I'm just excited we're getting a new Robert Zemeckis movie so soon. He doesn't always hit, but when he does it's fantastic. And he usually takes a half decade or so at this rate, so this quick turnaround after The Walk is welcome.

Leto is pretentious and often annoying, but this is good casting IMO.

I agree on the "needed some drama," I think you're reaching with the "Republican itch" thing. I didn't read them as the bad guys when I saw the movie.

Flags is the inferior film but I don't believe it is "poor."

Clint is not pro-war.

The water landing and rescue sequences are very moving. I don't see the NTSB being demonized, though. Even Sully says they're just doing their jobs. They are too aggressive toward tying a bow on the analysis, but when their mistake is revealed they acknowledge it and Sully's incredible performance. I had a lot of

Best since Invictus in my eyes, but u agree.

It's very good. The landing and rescue sequence is some of the best, most moving material Eastwood has ever directed.

He was used perfectly in that role.

The two movies have only superficial similarities. Both are great in different ways.

In my eyes it's one of the year's best films.

Yep. So it shouldn't be a surprise that the show still exists.

One of the most-watched shows on television, period.

You seem upset.

So, wait, will Fury Road be available in color on the new addition,too?

You're adorable.