Jack Frink

She would have killed him if the planet didn't destabilize, too. Had him dead to rights and he was basically resigned to his doom in those final moments.

Ken is also far more emotionally and mentally fragile/vulnerable than he first lets on.

Yea, he was pounding on his wound in homicidal "come at me" gestures.

Also, Finn didn't do well against Ken.

Rylo made quick work of Finn in that duel. Rey is just stronger in the force.

Doesn't matter if he does or doesn't. They'd make it into something for the horse race. Remember the "gang rape fantasy" essay? The media would make sure everyone did.

He lost minorities badly. Online polls are a joke. You need to get over it.

This is some good egg hilarity!

Again, eggs don't have a good grasp of policy of demographics.

Never called Sanders militant. Many of his supporters are.

The privilege! It burns!

"She made?" That's the media, friend.

Yea, the Mountain is now basically a zombie, right? He didn't really "win."

My thoughts too, but I felt that was a knee jerk.

Well, he's a politician just like any other, but he does stand for the right things most of the time.

He'd bomb the first question about him being a "Socialist" and that is all the media - and many voters - would need.

Sanders had problems releasing his taxes. When called on it (rarely), he became defensive and prickly. His scolding routine in debates also didn't wear well. This is what happens when you have a safe seat in Vermont for your entire political career.

You just shrug off the "he wasn't vetted." This is the first campaign you've ever followed, huh?

One reason why many progressives are as annoyed by the militant left as everyone else is.

Nope. He would win but it would be close. And he wasn't vetted during the primary, so the press could find something to "both sides" him with. He's never been held up to that type of scrutiny, so he probably wouldn't handle it well.